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"The Benefit Of Leaving Cut Grass Clippings On Your Lawn"

(Picture provided by: Virginia Green Lawn Care)

The majority of us have been taught to always rake up our grass clippings after or while we cut(bag) our lawn. This was not the wrong information but was only a half truth. Yes, there was more to the story so here goes. Some yards can't keep weeds out due to who they live by. Also, in the right conditions wind is a factor in helping weeds reach your lawn. On the other hand some lawns are just weeds, no grass. In these cases it is best you dispose of any clippings by placing them in the garbage. These clippings have very little if any benefit when it comes to your lawn. The best method for this situation would be to get rid of the weeds present first. After you have taken the proper steps in doing so, you will then be ready for the next step. If your yard is one of the fortunate ones without weeds you can benefit by leaving your freshly cut clippings laying right where they are, and here's why. Those fresh cut clippings hold much needed nutrients for your soil to use. When breaking down they release those nutrients(food). By being high in nitrogen it helps to keep your lawn green. Just as applying nitrogen rich fertilizer to your lawn, the clippings will have the same affect. If you are concerned about fertilizers damaging the environment then this will be good for you since it's eco-friendly.

So remember if your lawn has weeds, get rid of them first. You will be glad you did.

Lawns that are full of grass and have no weeds benefit by keeping them much healthier and luscious green lawn. With Spring soon to be here I have a question, "How does it feel to know you have one of the most beautifulest lawns in your neighborhood"?

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