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"I Think I've Overwatered My Potted Plants!"

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Wait! Before you water again, let me explain what overwatering is. A lot of us think we have overwatered our potted plants after the pot is way to heavy or we just simply gave them a heavy watering. Contrary to our belief this is not the case. The true definition of overwatering is to water every other day or everyday not allowing the roots enough time to drink it up or to breathe. Depending on the size of the pot, most plants won't need watering for another 2-4 days after and sometimes longer than that if you have a larger size pot. It's easy to feel you have overwatered but I'm here to let you know, " You Haven't". An example of overwatering would be watering on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday or everyday. When you water with a large amount on one day all you are doing is just that, "Watering". Just give your plants time to drink it up. As the pot starts to dry out a bit, you get healthy root growth since they spread out searching for water as they do in nature. This will produces more vigorous and healthy growth in your plants above and below(roots) the soil. Just as we need to breathe, roots need the same thing. When overwatering we are basically killing the roots not allowing them to grow which stops your plants growth above soil either making them really sick and or eventually dying. So, just allow some time(days) before your next watering. Your plants will be happy you did, as you will too.

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